Permanent Hair Removal vs Reduction

Since past 32 years a large number of Permanent Hair Removal, not Reduction
Cases were successfully accomplished under me in the city of Delhi NCR. Thousands
of successfully treated permanent hair removal cases had been sharing the benefits of
our knowledge, experience and facilities on this much confused topic. I had been on
record on my position on permanence and my experiences since 1989 through
writeups/ articles/ seminars/ TV shows. On Youtube you may like to watch my 72 TV
interviews and hear my views on ‘Permanent Hair Removal ...not Reduction’.

Excessive hair growth in men and women is termed as ‘Hypertrichosis’, which can
be categorized into local and general types. The term ‘Hirsutism’ is used for
medically significant excessive hair growth, usually as an outcome of endocrine
disorder. Most of the excessive hair growths fall under ‘Superfluous hair’ category
where the sufferer is not medically ill and hair growth is simply undesirable socially.
Few known reasons for this excessive hair growth condition range from malnutrition in
children, anorexia nervosa, underlying malignancy, PCOS, endocrine disorders to
genetics and drug interaction. But the most prominent reason that Valeda Wellness
doctors have observed over past 32 years is the wrong hair removal methods,
wherein hair is pulled in attempt to rid it permanently. This causes increase in
local capillary circulation providing better nourishment for keratin biosynthesis and
increased undesirable hair growth.

How it started?
Women and men alike had attempted permanent hair removal since hundreds of years
until in 1923 it became a welcome reality when Dr Bordier in Paris successfully
eliminated the hair permanently with a charged probe.

Did it change after its invention?

The basics of “Permanent Hair Removal” industry remain same since then, with
modifications in equipments only on levels of presentation and monitoring.

How is Permanent Hair Removal achieved?
The concept is based on fact that human body is born with sac like structures, the
follicles that grow and support hair under the skin and there is no new addition of
follicles in life time. Once eliminated along with its surrounding potential germ cells the
hair shall never grow from that follicle. It is thus Permanent Hair Removal.

Why the Misleading claims in the name of Laser when it is not permanent?
Over the years this trillion dollar industry worldwide also saw many misleading claims
due to the kind of quick wealth associated with the industry. Absence of Government
regulations/ controls on claims for ‘permanence’ and standards for equipments further
added to the public suffering more particularly in the countries like India.

Can we find this information on some Government body?
In USA the US FDA does regulates the standards and one can find details on following

What are the Types of Hair Removal Methods?
The Hair Removal can be Temporary, Permanent or Holistically Permanent methods.

A. Temporary Methods Include:
1. Cutting of hair at skin surface by scissors, shaving or depilatories the hair
removing chemicals. The side effects include skin abrasions cuts and reactions
2. Pulling of hair by Threading, Waxing, Tweezers or by Electronic tweezers.
Simple pulling causes the hair regrow sturdier as microcirculation around the
follicle increases to repair the tissues damaged by pulling injury. The effect is

more pronounced in androgen stimulated areas of body like Face & Chest and
where the follicles are programmed to grow up to 30 cm as in chin, under chin
and side face area. The distal proximities like arms and legs have follicles that
are genetically programmed to grow up to few cm only, so do not make a mistake
of managing face area by waxing as you do for arms and legs.
3. Photo depilation: The heat generated by radiation targeting the hair pigment
melanin by LASER (Light Amplification of Stimulated Emission of Radiation)
or IPL (Intensed Pulsed Light) loosens the bonding between outer layer of hair
root and inner layer of follicle thereby removing the hair by ‘root’ and sparing the
follicles potential germ cells to regrow hair subsequently although at larger time
interval as that when waxed. Remember that both the hair shaft and the hair root
are dead appendages formed by protein keratin. Unless the living hair follicle and
its potential germ cells are removed the permanence can not be achieved. Laser
so can not affect permanent hair removal.
The radiation can not distinguish between the pigment of skin or hair so the side effects
of laser hair removal more particularly in dark skinned individuals can include blistering,
discoloration after treatment, swelling, redness and scarring. Sunlight should be avoided
during healing after the procedure.
Those who decide to use a skin-numbing product should be careful as FDA's Center for
Drug Evaluation and Research has received reports of serious and life-threatening side
effects after use of large amounts of skin-numbing products for laser hair removal.
The use of Laser hair removal has increasingly grown, prompting many laser
manufacturers to seek US FDA clearance for their lasers for the “Permanent Hair
Removal” indication. On being refused any such permission they settled for the
ambiguous term, "Permanent Hair Reduction" that was coined for the sole purpose of
getting the word "Permanent" into advertising.  Many promoters are emphasizing the
word "Permanent" and, in most cases, eliminating the word "Reduction" The term is too
similar to "Permanent Hair Removal" which probe practitioners and the public
understand to mean, that at the end of a course of treatment none of the treated follicles
will ever grow another hair.  No laser has been demonstrated to be able to achieve such

a result. The American Electrology Association that is the largest professional
membership organization for practitioners of permanent hair removal and is regulating
the profession since 1958 has its name saying American, but its membership is actually
international. AEA points that it regrets that the FDA has allowed the use of new
terminology which sounds deceptively similar to the established term. They were
refused such permission initially. The further information can be taken by link:

B. Epilation or The Permanent Hair Removal Methods:
After specialised three years training course the State Laws in USA require licence for
practitioners as electrologists and even a medical doctor needs specialised training and
license if he wishes to practice electrology. India still does not have such regulatory
1. The Galvanic or Electrolysis: The micro DC impulse delivered at base of the
follicle by a probe thinner than that of hair shaft creates a chemical that targets
the follicle and eliminates it. The US FDA recognises this method as Permanent
Hair Removal.

2. The Radio Frequency, Short Wave, Diathermy, High frequency or
Thermolysis: The tip of the tiny probe generates a conical field of action at the
base of the follicle to make water molecules vibrate resulting in coagulation of
follicular proteins and thereby permanently eliminating it. There is no burning,
no desication, no charring, no electrocution but simply the proteins lose their
structure and thereby coagulate to affect permanence. The FCC or Federal
Communication Commission allows equipments to operate at 13.56 MHz, 27.12
MHz or 40.68 MHz frequencies.
3. The Blend or Combination Mode: The probe acts as an electrode and allows
the operator to selectively superimpose or choose single or combined modalities
depending on the type of hair follicle, its shape, body area, skin sensitivity,

moisture or oil gradients, growth cycles amongst few parameters. This mode
may have above 100 type of combinations and is highly effective but needs high
level of expertise and .experience.

C. Holistically Permanent Hair Removal Methods At Valeda:
In 1985 I as an upcoming Homoeopath Dermatologist sensed the plight of females
seeking permanent hair removal and this made me focus my work scientifically in this
direction. In 1990 I joined AEA and International Guild as only medical doctor member
out of their strength of 3500 international members. Today, my efforts of 32 years have
yielded much sought after relief to thousands of females through Holistically
Permanent Hair Removal Method, a term coined by me to summarize my years of
work in this direction. In short the holistic approach here refers to the powerful
contribution of my basic qualification as an Homoeopath that empowered me to
eradicate basic causative factors by striking correct balance of a Healthy mind, Healthy
spirit and Healthy body for every individual. The causative factors here should not be
confused with endocrine or hormonal factors that laymen usually refer to. Remember
that a female case of endocrine disorder shall have the prime contributory hormone
testosterone increased by more than double of higher normal limits of 1.1 nanogram per
100 ml. So, the hormone is not a direct culprit in more than 90% of sufferers of
unwanted hair females, as is wrongly generalised. Also, therefore the intake of generic
spironolactone as hormone blocker has limited or no effect on reversal of unwanted hair
growth in androgen sensitive body areas.

Permanent hair removal in females as well as males with a time bound certainty has
always been a welcome reality at Valeda Wellness Centers. By using the basics of
Specialised Homoeopathy supported by Combination modalities while following
American FDA’s directive findings and by associations with International Guild,
American Electrology Association(AEA) and other World bodies Valeda technical team
has specialized in whole body permanent hair removal systems in shortest duration i.e.
reduction of treatment time by more than five times in such cases.


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