The skin surrounding the eye is very thin and delicate.

 Utmost gentle eye care ensures clear glistening eyes and clear sparkling eyes indicate a healthy disposition.

In most areas of the body, the epidermis is 35 to 50 micrometers thick.
Micrometer is one millionth of a meter.
 On palms and soles, the epidermis usually much thicker, whereas around the eyes it is only about 20 micrometers thick.
 So, one can imagine how delicate and sensitive is the skin around the eyes.

 The epidermis around the eyes in not only very thin but it also contains many blood vessels.

Treatments at Valeda Wellness Centers 
start with homeopathy medicne
1,  SEPIA 200  2 dropes every morning empty stomach  for 15 days
2. berberis q 5 dropes two times a day for 15 days
3. undereye jojoba cream for 30 min before going to bed


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