home remedies with holistic solution for skin acne

1.       Acne is a  visible condition in which the skin pores becomes clogged ,leading to eruption. They can get inflamed and infected

Acne is caused by overactivity of the sebaceous glands that secreate oily substances on surface of the skin.
About 80% of teenagers are affected by acne between the ages of 13 and 17 due to increased production of sex hormones
Excessive use of greasy cosmetics,pomades,detergent
Bacteria trapped within a skin pore make the acne pustular and more painful
Exposure to dust and picking ,mechanical rubbing the acne spots are other known factors that aggravate the condition
Constipation –gastric intestinal disturbance 
Sedentary life
Usually run in families
BOVISTA-acne due to use of cosmetics, worse in summers
KALIBROM-  30 every 6 hours- acne  ,pustular eruption on face,chest,shoulder.leaves scars mostly in young fleshy person
ANTIM CRUD- 30 every 6 hours. Cannot bear heat of sun. Tendency to grow fat. Pimples, pustules, and boils on face
BERBERIS AQUA- 5 dropes every 8 hours.    pimples, blotches ,dry, rough skin. May clear the complexion
JUGLANS R-30 every 8 hours . Comedones and red pus filled acne  that itch a lot   
CARBO VEG-30 every 6 hours -acne in young persons ,skin perspires a lot
COURSE –is chronic with frequent remissions and exacerbation
There is tendency to flare up in premenstrual period
Acne person often takes this disturbance very seriously and feels unhappy and should be relaxed by morning walks
Wash the site of acne twice daily with soap and water to remove excess oil from the skin. At night apply nutmeg pack for 10 min mixed in  fresh fruit juice
Avoid scrubbing too hard because this can actually irritate the skin and cause acne to worsen
Psychogenic stresses particularly the habit of picking make acne worse
No  cosmetics ,particularly greasy and coloured  should be used
Avoid exposure to dust. Keep the area clean by applying Echinacea tincture-[prepared by mixing 1 part of Echinacea mother tincture with 4 parts of distilled water
General health should receive attention by following constitutional diet plan
Fats and carbohydrates have to be reduced in favor of vegetables and protein
Sweets of all kinds and nuts to be avoided
Diet should be simple with lots of green vegetables,sproutes  and fruits , less of startches,chillies,tea, aerated drinks,ice, alcohol, condiments  
Constipation and other digestive upset aggravate acne and steps must be taken to avoid them
 mild sun is  good for the skin. An outdoor life ,and exercise done in fresh open air


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