

Premature graying   means white grey hair   from teenager to middle age person in 30s, as advancing age     Beard hair grows faster than hair on your head,that make people notice graying early as compared to hair on head   Causes are   many reasons like   hereditary ,nutrition error due to junk snack food, improper digestion physical and mental stress, excess use of medicines ,deficiency of various vitamins,iron , very often due to underlying systemic disease Solution is to start using constitutional homeopathy medicine e.g lycopodium200 weekely for 4 weeks


Why hair turn grey? Graying of hair is the physiological   manifestation of old age. However, many individuals are seen to develop grey hair prematurely that is during teens and even in childhood. Being predominantly a cosmetic problem, it is seen to have a psychological impact on the individuals . Causes ·          Loss of pigment situated in the matrix of hair ·          Uneven hair surface due to harsh chemicals in the hair shampoo and hair oil ·          Vitiligo ·          Alopecia ·          Chronic diseases ·          Naevus de pigmentation ·          Migrain and nutritional deficiency SOLUTION Homeopathy medicne VINCA MINOR 200 act naturally in pigmenting such ha...


UNDER EYE CIRCLES The skin surrounding the eye is very thin and delicate.  Utmost gentle eye care ensures clear glistening eyes and clear sparkling eyes indicate a healthy disposition. In most areas of the body, the epidermis is 35 to 50 micrometers thick. Micrometer is one millionth of a meter.  On palms and soles, the epidermis usually much thicker, whereas around the eyes it is only about 20 micrometers thick.  So, one can imagine how delicate and sensitive is the skin around the eyes.  The epidermis around the eyes in not only very thin but it also contains many blood vessels. Treatments at Valeda Wellness Centers  start with homeopathy medicne 1,  SEPIA 200  2 dropes every morning empty stomach  for 15 days 2. berberis q 5 dropes two times a day for 15 days 3. undereye jojoba cream for 30 min before going to bed

home remedies with holistic solution for skin acne

1.         Acne is a   visible condition in which the skin pores becomes clogged ,leading to eruption. They can get inflamed and infected Causes Acne is caused by overactivity of the sebaceous glands that secreate oily substances on surface of the skin. About 80% of teenagers are affected by acne between the ages of 13 and 17 due to increased production of sex hormones Excessive use of greasy cosmetics,pomades,detergent Bacteria trapped within a skin pore make the acne pustular and more painful Exposure to dust and picking ,mechanical rubbing the acne spots are other known factors that aggravate the condition Constipation –gastric intestinal disturbance  Sedentary life Usually run in families TYPES OF ACNE HOMEOPATHIC MANAGEMENT BOVISTA-acne due to use of cosmetics, worse in summers KALIBROM-   30 every 6 hours- acne  ,pustular eruption on face,chest,shoulder.leaves scars mostly in young fleshy person ANTIM CRUD- 3...


Excessive hair growth in men and women is termed as ‘Hypertrichosis’, which can be categorized into local and general types. The term ‘Hirsuitism’ is used for medically significant excessive hair growth, usually as an outcome of endocrine disorder. Most of the excessive hair growths fall under ‘superfluous hair’ category where the sufferer is not medically ill and hair growth that is simply undesirable socially. Few known reasons for this excessive hair growth condition range from malnutrition in children, anorexia nervosa, underlying malignancy to drug interaction. But the most prominent reason that Valeda Wellness doctors have observed over past 32 years is the wrong hair removal methods, wherein hair is pulled in attempt to rid it permanently. This causes increase in local capillary circulation providing better nourishment for keratin biosynthesis and better undesirable hair growth. Over the years around the world women and men are skeptical and utterly confused as to th...

Permanent Hair Removal vs Reduction

Since past 32 years a large number of Permanent Hair Removal, not Reduction Cases were successfully accomplished under me in the city of Delhi NCR. Thousands of successfully treated permanent hair removal cases had been sharing the benefits of our knowledge, experience and facilities on this much confused topic. I had been on record on my position on permanence and my experiences since 1989 through writeups/ articles/ seminars/ TV shows. On Youtube you may like to watch my 72 TV interviews and hear my views on ‘Permanent Hair Removal ...not Reduction’. Excessive hair growth in men and women is termed as ‘Hypertrichosis’, which can be categorized into local and general types. The term ‘Hirsutism’ is used for medically significant excessive hair growth, usually as an outcome of endocrine disorder. Most of the excessive hair growths fall under ‘Superfluous hair’ category where the sufferer is not medically ill and hair growth is simply undesirable socially. Few known ...